Images Carousel with 6 Items
You can add as many Image Items you need.
Header & Subheader
You also can insert Header, Subheader or Both.

CREATOR Modular Theme

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. CREATOR is a masterclass piece of work presented to you.
Animation & Image Titles
You can enable or disable Animation. You also can add Titles on Images.

CREATOR Modular Theme

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. CREATOR is a masterclass piece of work presented to you.
Carousel Autoplay
You can enable or disable Carousel Autoplay.

CREATOR Modular Theme

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. CREATOR is a masterclass piece of work presented to you.
Background Color
You can change the Background Color by choosing from a wide range of Simple & Gradient Colors.

CREATOR Modular Theme

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. CREATOR is a masterclass piece of work presented to you.
Links on Images
You can add External or Internal links on Images.

CREATOR Modular Theme

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. CREATOR is a masterclass piece of work presented to you.
Fluid Container
You can change Block Container type. Choose between Container & Fluid Container.

CREATOR Modular Theme

Built with passion & intuitiveness in mind. CREATOR is a masterclass piece of work presented to you.