
Navbar With 3 Levels Submenu
You can create your navbar with 3 levels submenu (you can see 3 level submenu in "Blog" menu item). You also can add a divider on any submenu item (you can see divider in "Blog" submenu).
Navbar With Mega Menu
You can enable or disable Mega Menu on any menu item and display submenu items on mega menu. You also can control the size of Mega Menu columns.
Navbar Mega Menu Banners
You can insert Banners on any Mega Menu item with your own image and label.
Navbar With Brand
You can enable or disable Brand in Navbar. Brand appearance depends on brand settings, which may be logo or plain text.
Navbar Menu Item Button
You can insert a Button in Navbar. You can select to insert a Button as a menu item, as an Action button or as a Login/Register button. In this example we use a button as a menu item. On button you can insert your own icon, label and internal or external link.
Navbar Action Button
You can insert a Button in Navbar. You can select to insert a Button as a menu item, as an Action button or as a Login/Register button. In this example we use a button as a menu item. On button you can insert your own icon, label and internal or external link.
Navbar Login/Register Button
You can insert a Button in Navbar. You can select to insert a Button as a menu item, as an Action button or as a Login/Register button. In this example we use a button as a menu item. If you click on Login/Register button you will get a modal with Login and Register Forms which you can toggle by clicking on the relevant link.
Navbar Large Font Size
You can change menu items font size choosing between Small, Normall and Large size. In this example we select large font size.
Navbar Text Transform Uppercase
You can change menu items text transform choosing between Capitalize, Uppercase and Lowercase size. In this example we select uppercase text transform.
Navbar Menu Item Padding
You can change menu items padding choosing between Tiny, Small, Normal, Large, Huge and Giant padding. In this example we select Huge menu item padding.
Navbar Menu Item Hover
You can change menu item hover color choosing between 4 variations. In this example we select hover color Black 10% opacity.
Navbar Background Color
You can change navbar background color by choosing from a wide range of simple & gradient colors.
Navbar Fluid Container
You can change Navbar Container type. Choose between Container & Fluid Container. In this example we use fluid container.