2 Testimonials
You can add as many testimonials as you want. In each testimonial you can add name, job, picture and description.
Header & Subheader
You can insert Header, Subheader or Both.

Creator - Astonishing Functionality

CREATOR is a brilliant Octobercms theme with an innovative design and astonishing functionality for all your web project needs.
3 Testimonials - Animation
You can add as many testimonials as you want. In each testimonial you can add name, job, picture, title and description. You can enable Animation on Testimonials.

Creator - Astonishing Functionality

CREATOR is a brilliant Octobercms theme with an innovative design and astonishing functionality for all your web project needs.
Tiny Testimonial Size
There are 6 Testimonial sizes to choose from, Tiny, Small, Normal, Large, Huge and Giant. In this example we use Tiny Testimonial size.

Creator - Astonishing Functionality

CREATOR is a brilliant Octobercms theme with an innovative design and astonishing functionality for all your web project needs.
Huge Testimonial Size
There are 6 Testimonial sizes to choose from, Tiny, Small, Normal, Large, Huge and Giant. In this example we use Huge Testimonial size.

Creator - Astonishing Functionality

CREATOR is a brilliant Octobercms theme with an innovative design and astonishing functionality for all your web project needs.
Background Color
You can change the Background Color by choosing from a wide range of Simple & Gradient Colors.

Creator - Astonishing Functionality

CREATOR is a brilliant Octobercms theme with an innovative design and astonishing functionality for all your web project needs.
Fluid Container
You can change Block Container type. Choose between Container & Fluid Container.

Creator - Astonishing Functionality

CREATOR is a brilliant Octobercms theme with an innovative design and astonishing functionality for all your web project needs.