Static Sliders

Image Background - Dark Overlay - Title, Description and Action Button
You can choose between 5 different background types, Image, MP4 Video, Youtube video, Vimeo video or simple Color. You can add Overlay with your Own color and Opacity.
Image Parallax Background - Small Height - Small Caption - Align Left
You can enable Parallax Effect on Background Images or Videos. You can change Slider Height selecting one of the 7 height options. There are 6 Caption sizes to choose from, Tiny, Small, Normal, Large, Huge and Giant. You also can change Caption align to Left,Right or Center.
MP4 Video Background - 2 Caption Items - Caption Types
Every Caption can have 1 or 2 Caption Items. You can choose between 5 different Caption types, Content, Image, MP4 video, Youtube video and Vimeo video.
Color Background - Caption Content Settings
On Content Caption you can choose between Title, Subtitle, Description, List Item and Button. You also can change Font size, Font Weight, Font Color and Button Color.
Video Parallax Background - Caption Animations
You can add Animation Effects on every Caption Element with custom delay and duration. (You have to refresh your Page to see caption contents animation)
Youtube Video Background - Floating Images
You also can add Animated Floating Images in any position in your static slider. The Floating Images can be either above the overlay, or underneath it. (You have to refresh your Page to see caption contents animation)
Vimeo Video Background - Floating Images
You also can add Animated Floating Images in any position in your static slider. The Floating Images can be either above the overlay, or underneath it. (You have to refresh your Page to see caption contents animation)
Particles Effect
You can enable Particles Effect on your Static Slider in front of the content, or behind it. (You have to refresh your Page to see caption contents animation)